How To Find The NYC Weightloss Solutions To Meet All Your Needs
There are a plethora of diet centers, clinics, fads, programs, books, and experts out there which constantly bombard us for their attention. Some people who really need to lose weight are more discouraged by the seemingly endless list of options to choose from than they are encouraged. Many, not knowing where to begin, simply attempt to lose weight on their own, which rarely ends in success. The answer is not to try and lose weight on your own, but to have a few principles that guide you in your search for the right experts.
The right diet center or program must be healthy – it must not rely on a pill or some unhealthy supplement that shouldn’t be consumed for the rest of your life. The right center must be able to provide healthy diets for people with special dietary needs – a “one-size-fits-all” approach may not work for you if you have certain allergies or conditions such as diabetes. The right diet center must address your need for motivation and accountability – few of us can achieve successful weight loss on our own. We need the support of people who care.
Below, we’ll talk about how The NYC Weightloss Solutions meets this criteria, and how you can see the same fast results that thousands of our clients have enjoyed before you!
Our Three Basic Programs
The NYC Weightloss Solutions uses three basic programs which can be adjusted as needed to meet any special dietary needs you may have. One of our programs, DIETFAST, does use meal replacements and supplements. However, they are healthy and not intended to be the bulk of your diet long-term. Our programs include:
- Exclusively You – This program has been the foundation of the trusted NYC Weightloss Solutions method of weight loss and weight management for over 40 years. Our dedicated staff of weight loss professionals has refined this program to be higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates in order to deliver even more powerful and effective weight loss results.
- 21 Day Thermogenics – This is the revolutionary diet that puts clients into ultimate fat burning mode. This high protein, lower carb diet is based on the theory of thermogenesis, which recognizes that certain foods, taken in combination, supplemented by specific nutrients, spices and herbs, increase the ability of the body to burn fat and suppress the appetite.
- DIETFAST – This is truly one of the few fast weight loss diets available that can produce rapid fat loss. It is designed to help burn fat, control hunger and promote metabolism through delicious meal replacement options. DIETFAST features a daily meal prepared with “real foods” specially selected for fat burning, high satiety, and low glycemic properties.
Each of these diets will get you the results your looking for! Additionally, we’ll continue to work with you after you reach your goals to ensure that you know how to maintain your new weight with a healthy and balanced diet.
A Community of Support
Many of us have experienced the crushing discouragement that can result from attempting to lose weight on our own. We start strong and make progress over the course of the first few weeks. 5 to 10 pounds seems to just fall off. If it keeps going this way, we’ll reach our goal weight in a matter of weeks! But then, out of nowhere, out progress seems to come to a screeching halt, and the diet and exercise that worked so effectively for a few weeks seems to have no effect at all. There are two problems here that the right experts can help with:
- 1.) How to finely tune your diet – As you lose weight, what worked at first will no longer be effective. Your diet will have to be adjusted and tuned. Issues like water consumption, sleep, and meal-timing will have to come into play. An expert can figure out all of the fine details that need to be worked out in order for successful weight loss to continue, and for difficult plateaus to be avoided and navigated well.
- 2.) Motivation and accountability – One of the hardest things about weight loss is staying motivated through difficult periods where our progress seems to plateau. Not only do we need expert help to avoid plateau, but we desperately need to be held accountable and for someone to keep us focused on the goal. At one point or another, we will become discouraged and tempted to settle for limited results. A community of coaches, counselors, and nutritionists who stay in contact with you can help prevent this kind of set-back.
The NYC Weightloss Solutions – We’ll Get You There!
We’ve done it for thousands of satisfied clients, and we can do it for you. If you have a significant amount of weight to lose and are looking for a diet center that will address all of your weight loss needs rather than simply provide a plan or a supplement to use on your own, then the folks at The NYC Weightloss Solutions would love to hear from you today! To schedule your free consultation, call us at (212) 759-8118 or click below and enter your information. We’re looking forward to getting to know you and to getting you the results you’ve been hoping for!
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