3 Easy Science-Based Steps to Help You Lose Weight the Healthy Way

You don’t need to feel hungry and unsatisfied when you are trying to lose weight. The coaches at NYC Weightloss Solutions have designed a simple, science-based 3-step plan for you to lose weight fast the healthy way.
3-Step Science-Based Plan to Lose Weight
- Reduce your appetite significantly
- Lose weight quickly without hunger
- Increase your metabolism
- Cut back on sugars and starches – carbs. This is most important because your hunger is reduced and you consume less calories. Your body will start feeding off of stored fat.
- Eat protein, fat and veggies. For every meal, prepare a protein, fat source, and low-carb vegetable to lower your carb intake.
Here are plenty of protein sources that will boost your metabolism and reduce cravings:
- Beef
- Chicken
- Pork
- Lamb
- Salmon
- Trout
- Shrimp
- Whole eggs with yolk
- Low-carb vegetables. Eat these in massive quantities to fill up with the fiber, vitamins, and minerals you need.
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Spinach
- Tomatoes
- Kale
- Brussel sprouts
- Lettuce
- Cucumber
- Fat source. Don’t shy away from fat.
- Olive oil
- Coconut oil
- Avocado oil
- Butter
Lose Weight the Health Way
Our products are nutritionally designed to function as an integral part of how to Lose Weight the Healthy Way. These popular products deliver maximum results and are a trustworthy alternative to conventional products promising you will lose weight quick.
Fresh Start
This program is designed for someone who enjoys cooking and has the time to shop for and prepare food. Our results in the Fresh Start program have achieve up to 2 pounds per week!
This program combines meal replacement with a food program offering daily servings at various caloric intake levels. The FastTrac program is designed to be aggressive – with the potential of achieving a 3 to 5 pound loss per week.
Maximize your weight loss by jump-starting with a meal replacement program. This will help to condition your body in preparation for weight loss. FastTrac also stops unhealthy eating patterns.
The FastTrac program can be eventually integrated with our Fresh Start plan.
The Healthy Way
- Eating a high-protein breakfast
- Avoid sugary drinks including fruit juice
- Drink water ½ hour before meals
- Eat soluble fiber
- Drink coffee or tea
- Eat whole, unprocessed foods
- Eat food slowly using small plate portions
- Always get a good night’s sleep
Healthy Weightloss Experts
Click the icon below – or – call 212.759.8118 for a free consultation at NYC Weightloss Solutions.
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