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Can Sugar Be a Part of a Healthy Diet?

Fructose, lactose, and glucose are natural, unrefined sugars found in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. These are considered healthy sugars when consumed in a balanced diet. It is the refined sucrose – table sugar – that is responsible for weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and other health problems. Sugar and Dieting The refine […]

Am I Going To Gain Weight If I Stop Smoking Cigarettes?

Many people considering quitting smoking worry they will gain weight. Gaining weight is not a good excuse to continue smoking. Not all smokers who give up the habit will gain weight. The few that do only see about four to ten pounds added to their weight. Cigarettes and weight gain can be controlled through some simple […]

3 Healthy Foods That Are Good Fiber Sources

Foods with fiber sources are an excellent way to lower blood sugar, cut cholesterol levels, and even prevent colon cancer. Few people get enough fiber in their diet. Eating foods that are fiber-rich, not those with added fiber, are the best way to ensure proper amounts of fiber are being consumed. Foods containing fiber sources help […]

Is It Harder for Smokers to Achieve Weight Loss

Smoking is an unhealthy habit that can result in an early death due to COPD, lung cancer, or one of several other debilitating conditions. Nearly every smoker knows they should quit, but kicking the habit is not exactly easy. Most smokers are able to think of at least several reasons why they should continue to […]

The Best Way for Getting Rid of Unwanted Fat

Having a weight problem typically means there is too much fat on one’s body. Getting rid of unwanted fat is a target weight for most. Those looking at getting rid of unwanted fat should look for a program incorporating lifestyle change and losing weight the healthy way. If lifestyle is not modified, then the fat is […]

Why Sleep is Crucial to Achieving Weight Loss

A good night’s sleep and weight loss are seldom thought about together. This may be why so many people have trouble losing weight. The American Medical Association suggests sleep loss increases hunger and adversely affects the body’s metabolism. When sleep is lost it is more difficult to lose weight the healthy way and maintain one’s weight. Why […]

3 Healthy Alternatives To Regular Milk

Milk choices have increased considerably in the past years. It is no longer a matter of selecting 2 percent versus whole, or, possibly 1 percent. The choices in the dairy case now include a variety of plant-based milk. Shoppers can now find milk made from nuts, soy, hemp, and oats. Let’s discus which of these […]

6 Tips To Assist Your Weight Loss in NYC

The first thing most people turn to when trying to lose weight are restrictive diets that almost always end in failure. The ugly truth is, fad diets and trendy weight loss plans are simply not designed to help you achieve permanent weight loss. Long-term results can only be achieved by making the  right changes to […]